- Version 3
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- File Count 1
- Create Date October 13, 2016
- Last Updated September 4, 2021
Sadhana Pancakam by Swami Paramarthananda
Sadhana Pancakam of Sri Adi Sankara. Talks by Swami Paramarthananda. This text guides the Seeker step by step in 40 steps about the Spiritual Journey. As a Student, one studies the Vedic way of life. As a house holder, one practices the Vedic way of life. One lives a life of karma yoga. As a retired person, one practices upasana or meditation. After developing inner renunciation, one approaches a traditional Guru. One does sravanam, mananam and nididhyasanam. In course of time one becomes a Jivan Muktah. Later when one drops the body, becomes a Videha Muktah. No of verses 5. No of pages 56.