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- Create Date October 22, 2016
- Last Updated May 18, 2023
Kenopanisad by Swami Paramarthananda
Kenopanisad by Swami Paramarthananda. Transcribed by Sri T. Srinivasan & Sri Balasubrahmanyam Pattoo. This Upanisad belongs to Sama Veda. The student asks the question "What is that invisible, spiritual principles which makes the body alive and sentient?" The answer is this Upanisad. Upanisad explains that it is atma or conscious principle. The Upanisad also has a story. Devas defeated asuras in a war. The devas became arrogant. Nirgunam Brahman with maya sakti teaches them a lesson. No of pages 229. May 2023 edition.